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What are the job profiles after graphic Designing course with salary ?

Posted at: 29 Dec, 2022 | Category: Graphic Designing | Author: DSOM
What are the job profiles after graphic Designing course with salary ?

There are a variety of job profiles available to individuals who have completed a graphic design course in India. Some examples of these job profiles include:

Graphic Designer:

A graphic designer is responsible for creating visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports. The median annual salary for a graphic designer in India is around Rs. 3,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000.

Art Director:

An art director is responsible for the visual style and images in magazines, newspapers, product packaging, and movies. They create the overall design of a project and direct others who develop artwork or layouts. The median annual salary for an art director in India is around Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 10,00,000.

UX Designer:

A UX (user experience) designer is responsible for designing and improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between a user and a product. They conduct user research, design flows and wireframes, and prototype and test interfaces to ensure a positive user experience. The median annual salary for a UX designer in India is around Rs. 4,00,000 to Rs. 7,00,000.


An illustrator is an artist who specialized in creating original visual content for books, magazines, advertisements, product packaging, and websites. They use a variety of media, such as pencil, ink, and digital tools, to create illustrations that tell a story or explain a concept. The median annual salary for an illustrator in India is around Rs. 3,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000.


An animator is responsible for creating the illusion of movement by displaying a series of static images in rapid succession. They may work on a variety of projects, including films, television shows, video games, and websites. The median annual salary for an animator in India is around Rs. 3,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000.

Please note that these are just a few examples of job profiles and salaries in the field of graphic design in India. Actual salaries may vary based on factors such as experience, education, location, and industry.