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Understanding Google Medic Update: The Impact on Search Rankings and Health Websites.

Posted at: 19 Jul, 2023 | Category: Digital Marketing | Author: DSOM
Understanding Google Medic Update: The Impact on Search Rankings and Health Websites.

Google released a substantial algorithm modification in August 2018 dubbed as the "Medic Update." In the health and medical areas in particular, it had a significant effect on search ranks. This update sought to raise the general standard of search results and give authoritative medical content top priority. We'll go through the specifics of the Google Medic Update, its ramifications, and how health websites can adjust to the new standards in this blog article.

The Google Medic Update: What Is It?

The Google Medic Update was a significant core algorithm update that had an influence on a wide range of webpages, but its effects on the health and medical sectors were particularly noticeable. The upgrade sought to increase the authority, reliability, and relevancy of search results for health-related terms. Google tried to remove websites that might have contained inaccurate or subpar medical information and prioritise high-quality material.

The Impact on Search Rankings:

The Medic Update had a substantial impact on search rankings, causing significant variations in many health and medical websites' positions. Some websites suddenly lost visitors, while others noticed an improvement in their ranks. The upgrade mainly targeted medical-related websites that lacked E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness).

Focus on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T):

Health websites must prioritise competence, authority, and reliability in order to respond to the Medic Update. What these factors involve is as follows:

  1. Expertise: Websites must demonstrate their competence in the many medical sectors. This can be accomplished by having qualified writers, doctors, or researchers contribute to the article's content. It is essential to offer accurate, current, and trustworthy information.
  2. Authoritativeness: Building authority is crucial for a website dedicated to health. Establishing authority can be aided by reliable references, sources, and external links to reliable medical studies or institutions. Authoritativeness can also be enhanced by developing a reputation within the medical community through partnerships and endorsements.
  3. Trustworthiness: Websites need to build users' trust by being trustworthy. This can be accomplished by maintaining transparency, explicitly referencing sources, including clear disclaimers, and staying away from any statements that are false or overstated.


Enhancing the Content's Quality: The Medic Update made content quality a priority. The following elements should be the main focus of health websites:

  1. User Intent: It's important to comprehend the purpose behind a user's search query. For content to rank higher, it must satisfy user purpose, solve their issues, and offer insightful information.
  2. Length and Depth: Google favours lengthy, in-depth articles. Long-form content should be the goal for health websites, covering issues thoroughly while still being readable and interesting to readers.
  3. Engaging Multimedia: Including engaging multimedia can improve user experience and make the material more interesting and shareable. Examples of engaging multimedia include photographs, videos, infographics, and charts.

User Experience and technological Optimisation: In addition to the Medic Update's emphasis on high-quality information, user experience and technological optimisation are crucial components.

Mobile Responsiveness: Having a mobile-responsive website is essential given the increase in smartphone searches. Websites that are not mobile-friendly may see a reduction in search engine results.

Page Speed: Decreased page load times are crucial for both user satisfaction and search engine rankings. Page speed can be increased by optimising images, minifying code, and using caching strategies.

User Engagement: Factors like the bounce rate, time spent on the page, and click-through rates are becoming more and more significant. These metrics can be improved by attracting visitors' attention with educational, well-organized content.


The Google Medic Update emphasised the importance of knowledge, authority, and credibility in the health and medical fields. To comply with the standards of the update, health websites should prioritise providing high-quality, accurate, and reliable content. Health websites may adjust to the Medic Update and enhance their search ranks while providing helpful information to users looking for medical advice online by focusing on E-A-T, enhancing content quality, and optimising user experience.