Roopali Thapliyal
Roopali Thapliyal is an SEO expert who has been a part of the Search Industry since its inception in India. She has 8+ year experience in Digital Marketing she has expertise in Social Marketing she worked in many organization. Her passion for bringing business online and bridging a business connection between internet and physical businesses has been recognized. Exceptional technical abilities, able to create and execute campaigns that include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Link Building, Pay Per Click Management, Social Media, Google Analytics Reporting & Analysis, SEO Copywriting, and email marketing, Landing Page Optimization, Website Performance, User Behavior analysis. Expert at delivering highly customized research outputs that provide relevant and most current information and insight to support strategic and tactical marketing strategy.

Vikash Sharma
With 14+ years of experience in Digital Marketing, Vikash Sharma is Digital Marketing professional. Vikash always try to find out some unconventional way to crack the growth. Whether it’s lead Generation or Custom Acquisition or Conversion Optimization, he is an expert in all areas of Digital Marketing. Vikash is very passionate about learning new things. While Engineer he found himself a bit attracted towards creativity. He is a result driven optimist person, passionate about his responsibilities and with good product management skills. He worked at agencies and product based startups and has been instrumental in lead generation and overall growth for businesses across different industry verticals. He is a movie & TV buff; Foodie who loves new gadget.

Jatin Jangra
Jatin Jangra is an Web Developer & PHP Trainer who has been part of the Universal Web Solutions since its inception in India. He is having 4+ years of experience in Web Development, he has expertise in Laravel framework and worked in Universal Web Solutions.

Robin Tomar
Robin Tomar is an Digital Marketing Executive who has been part of the DSOM since its inception in India. He is having 5+ years of experience in Professional Digital Marketing as well as training